Rizzolo's lawyers dangle Kirk Henry
like a carrot in front of City Council
Councilwoman punished for challenging Mayor
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miler
July 31, 2006

Henry's 12-year-old son, Jared, checks his father's blood pressure
after Henry felt light-headed. Since his neck was broken, problems with
low blood
pressure have threatened Henry's life repeatedly.
LAS VEGAS - On September 20, 2001, computer salesman Kirk
Henry became a quadriplegic at the hands of a Crazy Horse Too bouncer
over a disputed $88 bar tab.
On September 6, 2006, almost five years later, the Las Vegas City
Council will decide whether the Crazy Horse strip club should be
allowed to remain in business.
"A man leaving the bar drunk did trip, but in no was was this man
beaten," stated bar owner Rick
Rizzolo following my breaking the story
of the beating in 2001. Shortly thereafter, Rizzolo sued me for
defamation, and his attorney made a motion to gag me from further
reporting the Henry incident or any others involving the beatings of
club patrons. I ignored Rizzolo's legal threats and continued reporting.
Had it not been for Crazy Horse next door neighbor Buffalo Jim Barrier
taking photos of Henry being placed into an ambulance on that September
Rizzolo may have
gotten away with saying the injury did
not happen on his property, or that Henry arrived at the bar with an
allready-broken neck.
Over the years, the Crazy Horse has been practically immune when it
comes to police or paramedic's incident reports. Dozens of beatings
have been reported by victims, but few have ever been officially
reported. The reason is that paramedics and cops are comped with free
booze and girls if they flash their badge at the door.
Barrier's ambulance photo forced a chain of events that lead to a
segment on
Dateline NBC, and the
convictions of 17 Crazy Horse operatives for
racketeering and tax evasion. It also exposed, indirectly, an unsavory
link between Oscar Goodman, the Mayor of Las Vegas, and the men who
profit from the crimes committed at the Crazy Horse Too. Had Barrier
not taken the picture placing a time and date on the incident, Mr.
Henry's case would most likely have been ignored by LV Police as are
most others.
Because Henry hired former Federal Prosecutors as his Nevada attorneys,
the U.S. Attorney was alerted and a full fledged FBI investigation
After five years of undercover investigation and
thousands of hours of taped surveillance, the "Power Company," the
corporation that runs the club,
in June
had no choice other than to plead guilty to being "an enterprise
engaged in racketeering activity
between January 1, 2000, and 2005."
The corporate directors consisting of Rick Rizzolo, his father,
brother, and sister
pleaded guilty through their corporation to "extorting payment
from patrons through explicit or implicit threats of violence, or
thorough actual use of force and physical violence against patrons to
force the patrons to pay the disputed payment." In the plea bargain,
Rizzolo's relatives were not charged with a crime, though Ralph Rizzolo
in February was arrested for Trafficking in Controlled Substance and
will go to trial in October.
(L to R) Bart,
Ralph, and
Annette Rizzolo
AmericanMafia.com photo by Mike Christ)
no dispute that the Crazy Horse has blatantly violated Las Vegas
Municipal Code Section 6.02.360 that clearly states: "The regulations
contained in this Chapter involve, to the highest degree the economic,
social, physical and moral well-being of the residents and taxpayers of
the City. The sale or other disposition of alcoholic beverages is not a
matter of right but of privilege, which would otherwise be unlawful if
it were not exercised pursuant to a license. This privilege may be
denied, revoked, conditioned, suspended or subjected to any other
disciplinary action by the City in the exercise of its police powers
for the protection of the safety, welfare, health, peace and morals of
the residents and taxpayers thereof."
That being the case, how could anyone say the Crazy Horse deserves to
stay open? Ask Mayor Goodman.
A few Crazy Horse Too victims:

David Fau (deceased), Paul
Russo, Jermaine
Simieou, Eban Kostbar, Eddie
(last name withheld by request), Kirk



More Crazy Horse victims, 2001 - 2003
(Photos by Buffalo Jim Barrier)
There have been hundreds of reported beatings by Crazy Horse Too
employees, mostly based on club patrons refusing to pay inflated credit
card tabs.
In a
message dated 7/17/2006 7:29:09 P.M. Pacific
Daylight Time,
(Camille Fau) writes:
Steve: My
husband (Scott David Fau) was being beaten (to death) outside
the (Crazy Horse Too) almost 11 years ago. The
police were called. Then
the only difference is they did show, but
did nothing to protect my
It will be 11 years on Aug. 4. Camille
The problem became so acute that in court documents
filed by former federal organized crime
prosecutors Donald Campbell and Stan Hunterton, they stated: "For
years, the
management and 'security' staff of the Crazy Horse has been infested by
a rogues' gallery of thugs, thieves, drug pushers, and corrupt
ex-cops," "Most, if not all, have well documented ties to organized
crime figures who frequent the premises. All of this has nurtured a
culture of violence marked by robberies, beatings and even death."
Now, Goodman wants to let the bar stay open -- to keep its value until
it can be sold to pay over $7 million in debts to the IRS, and $10
million to the family of Kirk Henry.
In Goodman's scheme, the Rizzolo family consisting of Bart, Ralph, and
Annette -- all of whom through their corporation pleaded guilty to
racketeering, extortion, and tax evasion -- would amazingly be allowed
to continue running the club for another year while it's advertised for
sale. However, Goodman isn't concerned that the same family members
pleaded guilty to skimming, and that Ralph Rizzolo was charged with
Trafficking in Controlled Substance after the fact.
I'm continually asked how any elected board could find such low lifes
suitable to run a
privileged licensed business? I can only answer;" This is the New Las Vegas!" "Sin City." "What
happens here is supposed to stay here."
If the Crazy Horse is allowed to remain open under the control of the
Rizzolos, the extortion and skimming will obviously continue, and Ralph
will continue peddling drugs to dancers and patrons -- they just don't
know any other way to make a living! And look at the message it will
send to other privileged license holding businesses: That anything goes
including prostitution, drug sales, extortion, and tax evasion. Do it,
and the City will look the other way.
The other consideration is the extreme
liability faced by taxpayers in the event the Council takes
no action and another person is injured or killed. The City has a cap of
$50,000 on liability claims. However, if it
can be proven that gross negligence on the part of the City caused
injury or death, the cap can be penetrated exposing taxpayers to
millions of dollars in legal fees and judgments.
This is something that recently caused rumors to circulate around City
Hall that one of the usually obedient Council members had broken rank
and is going to make the motion on September 6, to permanently close
the Crazy Horse Too.
This is not the first time Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian acted
independent of the Mayor and his Council. In July 2005, Tarkanian
stopped the Council from gifting golf course developer Billy
Walters a $50 million dollar windfall at taxpayer expense when he
asked to have a deed restriction lifted so he could convert one of his
courses into a compact lot residential subdivision.
Tarkanian red flagged when she learned Walters bought the 160 acres of
once-taxpayer owned land for only $5,600 per acre in 1999, and now
wants to up its value to over $50 million dollars while leaving the
taxpayers out in the cold by offering the City only $7 million for
changing the deed.
Walters was furious with Tarkanian, and so was his former criminal
defense attorney, Mayor Oscar Goodman!
Tarkanian had stepped over the line. Goodman vowed to put her in her
I have a stake in this game because I was responsible for clearing
the way for Lois to get elected. In 2003, I helped run the campaign
unseated disgraced City Councilman Michael
McDonald, then helped to recall his replacement
making way for Tarkanian to win during the recall election.
Lois Tarkanian
hugs her husband, former UNLV men's basketball
coach Jerry Tarkanian, after the results were announced in the
Council Ward 1 recall election. (Ethan Miller / LAS VEGAS

Now, Councilwoman Tarkanian is doing the right thing
by reportedly demanding the closure of the Crazy Horse. She
reportedly told her aides that the Boston Catholic
Church, and Orange County, California have gone bankrupt after losing
law suits in Federal Court, and that she does not want to expose her
constituents in the event the Crazy Horse is allowed to remain open and
taxpayers are forced to pay private lawyers to defend the City
Council's foolish action.
In total contradiction, the Council went out of its' way
to close Crazy
Horse competitor
in 2004. Then in 2005, the council imposed a
million dollar fine on another CH competitor, Jack Galardi.
In the Treasures matter, Mayor Goodman prudently declared a conflict of
and abstained because his lawyer son represented the Davari brothers
who own the
business. However, the council still closed Treasures. The Davaris sued
the city and soon reopened.
Today, Goodman's law partner David Chesnoff is representing Crazy Horse
Faraci, and Goodman once represented CH owner Rick
Rizzolo, and CH manager Albert Rapuano along with Rizzolo's best friend
Joey Cusumano, and Joey "The Clown" Lombardo whose brother Rocco is a
CH floor man. You'd think there was a conflict of interests, but not as
far as the Mayor's concerned.
Goodman insists
on voting at the upcoming Show Cause hearing and discussing the
matter in advance with reporters. Meanwhile, he continues to protect
his former and present
clients even after I filed a
with the Nevada Commission on Ethics.
To him, its that important to pay
back his Mob clients!
On July 13 at his weekly press conference, Goodman
told reporters he
will vote on Sept. 6 to keep the Crazy Horse open. Goodman said
that the carnage at the Crazy Horse is not as "egregious" as Michael
Galardi bribing politicians. At no time did he say he would be open
minded when the police, city attorney, and witnesses testify at the
Sept. 6 hearing. He just said his mind is made up, and ended his
remarks with "
Steve Miller he can suck my big toe!"
What's the difference between the Galardis and the Rizzolos? The
Galardis never
extorted, beat
up, or killed their customers. But most important, they were never
Goodman Law Firm clients.
That's the key. Goodman is still a criminal defense attorney when it
comes to his firm's former and present clients. They come before the
safety and well being of the community in his mind.
"That is a lot different than bribing
a politician. That's the integrity of the system. This is
just a
business practice that's entirely unacceptable," Goodman said on
Thursday, July 21. Then he repeated
his claim that Rizzolo was less culpable than Galardi.
In his plea to allow his clients to remain in business, Crazy Horse
attorney Tony Sgro, a Goodman protégé, tried to comfort
the Council by saying Federal authorities will
continue to monitor activities at the bar to make sure no other acts of
violence occur. However, that doesn't seem
to be the case. Violence is a way of life at the Crazy Horse.
From a
CH2 insider:
Steve: I know that Rizzolo
paid for a
bogus appraisal reflecting a $50 million
dollars value for CH2 when actually the real value is around $15
million. He's in collusion with numerous parties who help him continue
this racketeering enterprise. He uses these appraisals to keep
Federal Government off him as well as Henry's attorneys. I know there
was a huge fist fight two weeks ago between the bouncers and three
The mayhem
usually starts around 3
or 4 am, that way Barrier would miss
it. The bouncers and managers have been instructed by Rick Rizzolo and
Albert Rapuano to not call the police under any circumstance. If you
can not get this place shut down, the government on every level is a
joke in this town.
The three
Samoans were brutally
beat up by convicted felons! What the
f---ck is going on here? The Feds have HUGE LIABILITY as well as The
City Council if one of those guys got killed or maimed.
All I know is
the fight lasted 20
minutes Sunday the 9 th (of July, 2006) around 3 AM.
I saw a lot of blood. If one of those Samoans died who would have been
responsible for the death?
It comes down
to reasonable cause
to show liability -- if you convict a
business of racketeering and then let it stay open for business, that
is unreasonable because a racketeering business must be shut
down. It
is a danger to society
If the Feds or
City of Las Vegas
don't do their job enforcing their own
Codes, they are definitely liable...and I can assure you it will happen
again. I just have to stand there and watch, but it turns my stomach
because the bouncers seem to be doing it for thrills.
Fau should sue
the City of Las
Vegas in addition to RIZZOLO in a
Federal lawsuit. Now that would wake up the City when civilians start
suing them because of Rizzolo and his friendship with the mayor.
You have this
SOB on the ropes,
you need to finish him off once and for
all. Do not let him squirm out of this with help from Oscar. This is
your only chance to knock him out for good.
You are the
only legitimate player
in Las Vegas and you will be the
most feared (even more than Rogich, Goodman, or Greenspun), once you
knock out this SOB. Everyone knows it is because of your diligence in
obtaining justice that this bastard is finally paying for his crimes.
The FBI should be paying you an annual salary.
Name withheld by request
The police are obviously not allowed to respond to 911 calls at
the Crazy Horse without the
of management, or "security" as the dispatchers have referred to them.
The FBI may be looking into this abnormally.
"At approximately 9:10 AM on Monday July 17, a customer came in my shop
reporting that a
women was being beaten in front of the Crazy Horse Too. I went outside
and observed a young woman on the ground yelling at three men to stop
hurting her. One of the men was Ralph Rizzolo. When Rizzolo saw me and
several other men watching, he and two Crazy Horse bouncers lifted the
woman up and restrained her in the entrance to the club. At that time I
took a photo of the woman being held by a bouncer while she and Ralph
Rizzolo yelled at each other. When Ralph saw me taking pictures, the
three men dragged the women into the club." -- Notarized statement of
Buffalo Jim Barrier
Unidentified bouncer
watches as Ralph Rizzolo argues with
woman being
restrained in entrance of
Crazy Horse Too.
(AmericanMafia.com photo by
Buffalo Jim Barrier)
"On July 17, at approximately 9:10 AM, my boss Jim Barrier told me to
call 911 because a young female was being beaten by several Crazy Horse
Too bouncers. I then called 911 and the dispatcher told me she already
had a call and had already dispatched officers to the scene.
No police
officers ever showed up." -- Notarized statement of Charles Downs
Rick Rizzolo will be sentenced on September 15.
Ralph Rizzolo is part of the three member team of Rizzolo family
members U.S. District Court Chief Judge Philip Pro ruled on June 1,
would be allowed to operate the bar for one year or until its sold --
unless he's sent to jail in October.
The Las Vegas City Council in a separate action can decide whether to
revoke the liquor license of the bar based on
the guilty pleas of the holding corporation, its directors, and 16 bar
employees. Persons convicted of felonies are not permitted to hold
privileged business license in the City of Las Vegas. If the Council
takes the proper action, it will supersede the ruling of Judge Pro.
Or if the Council allows the Crazy Horse to remain open
under management of persons who admitted being involved in
racketeering, extortion, tax evasion, and possible drug trafficking, it
will be the first time in history that such persons
are allowed to exercise the privileges granted with a liquor license in
the City of Las Vegas.
Goodman, et al, use the excuse that if the bar is closed, its sale
ability will be ruined. Then, the IRS, and especially the Henrys, may
never see their money, therefore Goodman's crew wants to let the place
stay open to continue
business as usual.
On July 28,
Las Vegas Review-Journal
columnist John L. Smith explained it this way: "Shutting
down the Crazy Horse Too has been a no-brainer for several
years, but in the wake of his plea deal, Rizzolo effectively is now the
government's partner.
The unanswered questions are: Will Rizzolo be in position to pay the
$17 million in fines and settlements he owes the federal government if
the council shuts him down? Will the council have an ounce of
credibility if it doesn't heavily fine him and shut him down?"
But in the July 14,
article "
defends club owners,"
Goodman said, "...the crimes employees and owners of the Crazy Horse
Gentleman's Club pleaded
guilty to didn't merit the maximum fines
the city could impose."
"Gentleman's Club?" Since when is the Crazy Horse referred to as a
Some of the "Gentlemen" of the
Crazy Horse Too
(L to R) Greg Liosi, Bobby D’Apice, Joe Blasko,
Ray Randazzo, Mo McKenna, Vinnie
By calling the brutal place a "gentleman's club," it again shows
Goodman's bias toward his
law firm's former and present clients, and gives even more reason why
he should abstain during the September 6 license
revocation hearing.
Both Billy Walters and Crazy Horse
owner Rick Rizzolo are friends and former law clients of Goodman.
Because they once paid his firm hundreds of thousands of
dollars, he acts like he's still their criminal defense attorney.
Now Goodman wants to discredit Councilwoman Tarkanian before either of
his former clients come before his City Council asking for very special
Tarkanian says she's a victim
of payback
Jul. 27, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas
Las Vegas Councilwoman Lois
Tarkanian said a city redistricting
consultant told her that her gerrymandered ward was political payback
from her council colleagues, meant to teach her a lesson... Tarkanian
has been on the short end of a number of votes, including her vote
against the Bill Walters deal...
When I heard of Goodman's scheme to attack Tarkanian's credibility, I
responded by making 20,000 automated telephone calls to
voters in her district::
That didn't sway the mayor who became even more committed to
the brave Councilwoman.
For this reason, yesterday I asked a local attorney to file a Writ to
stop the
City Council from further punishing Tarkanian and her Ward One
In the meantime, while Tarkanian is attacked by Crazy Horse supporters,
Judge Nancy Saitta has come under fire. Saitta has been accused of
being in the Rizzolo's pocket, and has graced these pages on several
Group plans recall effort to
remove two judges
By Sam Skolnik
29, 2006
Juli Star-Alexander said she will file notices Monday with the Nevada
secretary of state and the Clark County registrar of voters to try to
remove District Judge Nancy Saitta and Family Court Judge Cheryl
Moss... The recall petitions will be available to sign at the auto
shop owned by James "Buffalo Jim" Barrier, who has indirectly been
involved in complaints filed against Saitta with the state Commission
on Judicial Discipline. Star-Alexander said she doesn't know Barrier or
his associate Steve Miller, who has filed at least two complaints
against Saitta. "I've never spoken with them," she said. Saitta said
she was dubious: "It certainly speaks volumes to me. I would suggest
there's some connection there."
STORY: http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/lv-other/2006/jul/29/566654375.html
The conclusion to his sordid story should come on September 6. It will
either be that the mayor and his pals are stopped from harboring the
criminal activities at the Crazy Horse Too, or the wisdom and guts of
Councilwoman Tarkanian will be rewarded with the final closure of the
criminal enterprise. In the meantime, Rizzolo's support people like
Saitta are being exposed. Based on my complaint, the Nevada Commission
on Judicial Discipline last week sent her a letter cautioning her to be
more careful in her interactions with persons such as Rizzolo and his
No matter what happens on Sept. 6, the saddest part is seeing Kirk
Henry and his family being
dangled like a carrot in front of the Council to encourage them to vote
to keep the Crazy Horse open long enough to pay him for his injuries --
albeit, long enough to harm more people like Henry. A sad irony.
If this occurs, there is the distinct possibility there will be other
Kirk Henrys, and that the money generated during the Crazy Horse's last
year under the control of the Rizzolos will never be accounted for.
The only logical move for the City Council to take is to shut the place
down on September 6, and send a clear message to the Federal Court that
all of Rick Rizzolo's assets must immediately be forfeited and
auctioned to cover most of his liabilities. Otherwise the carnage and
skimming will be allowed to continue leaving the IRS and Henry's with
little or nothing, while the Rizzolos and Goodman make a laughing stock
of our criminal justice system.