Steve Miller is a former Las Vegas City Councilman. In 1991, the readers
of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the "Most Effective Public
Official" in Southern Nevada. Visit his
website at:
Requiem for a Strip Joint
"Pillar of the Community" vs. "Las
Vegas Most Colorful Character"
July 16, 2007
Buffalo Jim
LAS VEGAS - Crazy Horse Too owner-turned-convicted
racketeer Rick Rizzolo was once referred to as a "Pillar of
the community" for his generous contributions to local
charity. Today the multi-millionaire is known as Number
while he sits in the Los
Angeles Metropolitan Detention Center chain smoking and claiming to be
Former pro wrestler-turned-auto garage owner Buffalo Jim Barrier was
once referred to as "Las
Vegas's Most Colorful Character" for his
courage to take on the Vegas mob. Today he continues to
successfully operate his funky garage next door to Rizzolo's shuttered

Rizzolo spends his time
Where Barrier spends his time
How did this role reversal
come about?
At midnight June 30, officials from the City of Las
Vegas converged on Rizzolo's Crazy Horse
Too and removed its liquor license, ending
over 30 years of violence,
prostitution, drug sales, and extortion.
his plea agreement, Rizzolo agreed to sell the Crazy Horse within 12
months. That did not occur by June 30, so the place went dark.
The United States Department of Justice, District of Nevada
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Additionally, defendants’ plea agreements require The Power
Company, Inc. to sell The Crazy Horse
Too by June 1, 2007. The Government has the right to disapprove
the sale if the buyer is a close relative or ongoing business partner
of Rizzolo’s, is a felon, or has business dealings with organized crime
members or groups.
In the meantime, Rizzolo's court ordered liabilities are
including $1.73 million in restitution to the IRS, $10 million
restitution to Kirk and Amy Henry for injuries and damages to Henry who
was left a quadriplegic after being beaten by a club employee in 2001
-- an obligation Rizzolo has shown no intent of honoring.
Rizzolo must also forfeit $4.25 million acquired unlawfully from
racketeering activity or unlawful debt collection at The Crazy Horse
Too; $1 million to a District Court escrow account set aside for
Buffalo Jim Barrier; $5 million to the first mortgage holder; $1
million in fines to the City of Las Vegas; and the rest in capitol
gains tax -- total $28 million.
State Assemblyman Bob Beers wrote a letter asking Judge Pro
what's next? In response, Judge Pro issued this ORDER making it
even less clear:

The deadline in the plea agreement has passed, but the deadline in
Judge Pro's ORDER is six months away. I guess the Crazy Horse must stay
dark while its being sold because neither the Court
ORDER nor the D.O.J. Press Release make it clear what's to happen in
the event
the place didn't sell by June 1, or by January 23.
I've been told that If Rizzolo or the U.S. Attorneys can't find a
bonafide buyer by January
23, the Federal Court may turn the property over to the bank who holds
a $5 million dollar first mortgage and let them dispose of the
property, or
the Feds can schedule an auction. If that happens, Kirk Henry, the IRS,
the City, and Barrier could get pennies on the dollar unless the Feds
go after Rizzolo's personal assets.
If so, then Lisa and Rick Rizzolo better hide their assets pronto! The
transfer of assets in their bogus divorce can get reversed I'm told.
But there's still hope Henry, the IRS, the City, and Barrier will
get paid because there are two legitimate offers now pending from
bidders with no La Cosa Nostra connections..
I've ever wanted since 1999 when I began covering this bloody story was
to see the violence end. It was a Godsend when the place finally went
Meanwhile, two bonafide offers to purchase the dark Crazy Horse are on
U.S. Attorney's table. One from a San Francisco office building
developer for $18 million. The other from a long time local businessman
for $28
There are two other suspect offers however. An offer for $34.5 million
has reportedly been made by a
Los Angeles medical doctor who sources say is a silent partner
in the Golden Steer Steakhouse, the restaurant owned by Rizzolo's
former alleged straw man. And another purported offer for an outrageous
million is said to come from a 32 year old Miami man with ties to
Rizzolo associate Fred Doumani.
The first two offers come from persons I know and respect. The
other two offers come from guys I believe are tied to Rizzolo in one
way or another.
Now its up to the U.S. Attorney or Rizzolo's new lawyer to "properly
place the matter before the court by an appropriate motion." Even if
the U.S. Attorney makes such a motion, the plea agreement still allows
Rizzolo to reject any offer.
If Rizzolo squelches a legitimate offer, the Federal Court
will have no other choice on or before January 23 but to attach Lisa
and Rick Rizzolo's vast personal assets, and auction the Crazy Horse
real estate to pay the liabilities.
believe Rizzolo, et. al. would rather torch the Crazy Horse than
let it go to
a buyer who refuses to include him and his associates in as silent
partners. And I don't expect the Feds to take seriously any offer from
someone Rizzolo's new attorney brings forward. So Buffalo Jim Barrier
better make sure
he has adequate fire insurance coverage through January 23.
Nonetheless, the place is dark, and there is no reason for it to reopen
with Rizzolo silently pulling the strings now that the Federal Court
has spoken. With no liquor license, its not worth much, but there are
two legitimate buyers willing to pay more than the market value of $6 -
8 million. The Feds still have six months to sell the joint, but who
knows how long the legitimate offers will remain in effect.
Its Rick Rizzolo's time to put up or shut up. This is the price
he will pay for beating
Rick Sandlin with a baseball bat, and letting his goons kick
Scott David Fau to death in the parking lot, plus all the others
who were beaten or ripped off in his club.
Buffalo Jim Barrier's $1 million lien
July 31, Clark County District Court Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez will be
asked by convicted racketeer Rick Rizzolo's attorney Mark Hafer to
reconsider her decision allowing Buffalo Jim Barrier to place a $1
million dollar lien on the Crazy Horse property to secure payment in
the likely event Barrier wins his harassment
lawsuit against Rizzolo. Rizzolo's attorneys are expected to argue
that the lien is not
necessary, though he has publicly stated he's "broke."
Binion's grandson gets away with beating up another woman in Piero's
Benny Behnen
For the second time in seven years, Benny Binion's grandson
Benny Behnen has slugged a woman in Piero's restaurant, and gotten away
with it.
If this
coward is allowed to continue assaulting women, its
likely he'll someday believe he can get away with murdering one.
to eyewitnesses, Behnen, 30, on Monday night July 9, slammed Sandra
Murphy's head
down on a table, and gave
her a shot to the jaw. He also reportedly kicked her when she fell to
the ground.
Piero's management reportedly did not intervene. Restaurant patrons
eventually had to stop the beating.
Benhen's first reported assault occurred on Aug. 25, 2000
when he
beat up Summer Stupak while Piero's employees and owners watched.
According to the police report, "The owner of Piero's did nothing to
intervene or stop this assault."
On that occasion, Ms. Stupak did press charges, however
police refused to arrest Behnen most likely
because the Behnen family were generous political campaign contributors
to Clark County Sheriff's races when they owned the downtown Horseshoe
It happened again last week, and again Benny was not arrested
as was the case in the late 1990's when a local prostitute
complained he almost beat her to
death in a Strip hotel room.
Its time to throw the book at Benny Behnen. And Freddy
Glusman, owner of Piero's in LV and the Ritz in Newport Beach should be
sued for condoning violence in his place of business.
When Ms. Stupak was attacked, Glusman said it reminded him of "The
old Las Vegas." When Ms. Murphy was attacked, he said it reminded
him of the "Old wild,
wild West."
However, it doesn't surprise me that Freddy sits back and
watches women being beaten because he's close friends with
the violent men who ran the Crazy Horse Too. In fact, Rick Rizzolo has
long been
suspected of being Freddy's hidden business partner.
The LV Metro Police Department has the duty to arrest anyone who
brutally assaults a citizen in front of numerous
witnesses. The D.A. also has the
duty to prosecute anyone who police arrest for beating up a woman,
especially in a public setting.
Just because Clark County District Attorney David Roger
suffered the humiliation of having his conviction of Sandra Murphy
overturned by the Nevada Supreme Court and a subsequent jury later found her
innocent of killing Benny Behnen's uncle Ted Binion, the police and Roger
are malfeasant for not immediately pursuing charges against Benny
Behnen for beating her up.
Murphy foolishly chose
to not press charges possibly so as not to embarrass her supposed
friend Glusman, but LV Metro Police and the D.A.
have that responsibility as they do in all assault and violence cases in Clark County whether the victim
wants to press charges or not.
Behnen should immediately be charged with a crime no matter who is
relatives are, and
jailed in spite of Roger's ego, or political campaign contributions he
and the Sheriff received from Benny Behnen's family, or the mob
infested fund raising parties Glusman threw for them at Piero's and the
Miller is currently writing a book about the mob's battle to keep the
Crazy Horse Too open.
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Copyright © Steve Miller
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