Steve Miller is a former Las Vegas City Councilman. In 1991, the readers
of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the "Most Effective Public
Official" in Southern Nevada. Visit his
website at:
One "whorehouse" down, two to go
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
May 9, 2005
. .
Del Mar Motel shut down Crazy Horse
remains open Some profit at City Hall
(KLAS TV News)
(Photo by Buffalo Jim Barrier)
LAS VEGAS - On Wednesday, May 4, the Las Vegas City Council conducted a
Show Cause hearing on the license of the Del Mar Motel on the Strip.
is a whorehouse. The business plan is hourly rates, whores and johns
only, and run as many of them in and out as possible in 24 hours.
-- Deputy City Attorney Bill Henry
Clyde DeWitt, the
attorney for the motel, argued that his client simply provides a "sexy"
place where consenting adults can meet in privacy for a few hours, and
that the owner and management are not responsible for what happens once
the door closes -- the incarnation of Sin City's "What happens here stays here" ad
Jim DiFiore, the obedient manager of
the city's Business Services Division,
countered that the place was a public nuisance attracting street
walkers into the neighborhood. DeWitt unsuccessfully argued that the
street and sidewalk are not his client's responsibility.
What finally did the trick (no pun
intended) was when a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police officer wheeled in
the motel's inventory of condoms, 11,955
total -- a room clerk testified
that guests are provided with three free condoms and four mints with
each room whether they want them or not -- and when an officer said the
Del Mar had 536
police responses in a three year period.
Three and half
hours after the hearing began, the council rightfully voted 6 to 0 to
shut the place down.
The seventh vote would have been that of Mayor Goodman, but he
. .
Police wheel in boxes of
condoms Sign in front of Del
Mar Used condom
in Crazy Horse parking lot
(Photo by Buffalo
Jim Barrier)
The closing of the Del Mar reinvigorated the question of why was it the
only prostitution-laden business in the area that was shut down? The
nearby Crazy Horse Too "Gentleman's
Club" had a total of 737 police responses in a three-year-period
including 9 for assaults and 6 for
robberies involving bar employees, 201 more than the Del Mar, and the
Del Mar didn't employ the offenders, as did the topless bar .
While I was employed at the Crazy Horse
Too, the "dancers" engaged in an activity called a "friction dance"
wherein the male customer puts on a condom and the dancer straddles the
customer and manipulates her body against the male customer so as to
arose or gratify the sexual desire of the male customer. --
Affidavit of Sandra Write-Kelemen

That the patrons of Crazy Horse Too scatter trash and garbage
consisting of greeting cards of the dancers, used condoms, drug
paraphernalia consisting of used needles and empty "baggies," discarded
beer bottles, liquor glasses and pornography of various types.
Recently, I arrived at my business to find my parking lot again,
particularly soiled with the above items. -- Affidavit of Robert L.
I repeatedly observed sexual activity
taking place in the parking lots surrounding Crazy Horse Too
gentlemen's Club, being performed by the employees of Crazy Horse Too.
-- Affidavit of Don Welch
You would
walk out the door, see people getting beat up in the sidewalk, out in
the street, in the parking lot. I walk out my back door and see the
same thing. You see people having sex out back. It was a pretty common
occurrence to see people being beat up out there. --
Affidavit of Dan Kennedy
The above statements are part of Clark County court records. On the
other side of the coin are these amazing statements by Mayor Goodman
who thinks Downtown Las Vegas should become a giant brothel:
It would turn old motels into beautiful brothels.
- Las
Vegas SUN, 10/24/03
It's something that the public
should really consider because there's a tremendous amount of money
that could be raised as a good source of tax revenue here. - KLAS
TV News, 10/22/03
We're an adult community, an adult playland, let's not pretend to be
something we're not. I think anything that's legal should be here.
- Las
Vegas SUN, 8/2/02
You get the tax dollars, it's
safer on a sexual basis, and probably on a community safety basis,
you're not going to have trick rolls
and the like. - KVBC TV News, 10/23/03
Las Vegas Review-Journal cartoon by
Jim Day, Sunday, October 26, 2003
Speaking of "trick rolls and the
like," the following is the statement of a federal witness about
an incident that purportedly happened at the Crazy Horse in 2003:
We agreed to start a tab and I gave the barmaid my
credit card. After a couple of lap dances the blonde I was with began
to proposition me with various sexual favors and hourly rates. Before I
knew it I had been offered, and agreed to, 24 hours of time with her
for $1,300.00. She said we could do anything I wanted, sex front and
back, blow jobs anything for 24 hours. She left for a few minutes and
returned with another lady. This lady was Asian and went by the name of
(withheld). Before I knew it, the second lady was in on the same deal
for another $1,300.00, only she proposed 48 hours.
The three of us went to the front desk and began a lengthy paperwork
process, approximately 40 minutes. There was a Russian blonde cashier
behind the counter that had my credit card and another Russian lady
dancer sitting in a chair next to the counter in front. The 2 dancers I
was with were making a big scene. The Asian actually had her hand down
my pants, holding my penis and proudly announced that we were going to
go " F - - ky S - - ky" for 48 hours... As the foolery and distractions continued,
I was presented with paperwork to sign periodically. Photo copies of my
drivers license and credit card were taken and I had to give a thumb
During this period of time I began to wonder why it was
taking so long to process this transaction... I asked the girls where
we would be going for the next 48 hours. The Asian said "downstairs." I
asked "here in this building?" She said "yes, here in this building
downstairs." The other lady confirmed the Asian's response... They both
said they had to use the bathroom first before we go downstairs and
encouraged me to do the same. Again there were at least four
employees that heard and witnessed all of this. I later learned there
is no downstairs.
...When we returned to the front desk
within 5 minutes, expecting to meet them, they never showed up. We
never saw them again. I immediately asked the cashier for a refund. She
said she couldn't do that. I said "but you have to, you just witnessed
this entire scam and you know that I didn't get what I paid for." Again
she said no. I asked to see the Manager. His name is (withheld). I
explained what had just taken place and a few of the witnesses and
employees confirmed my story. I insisted on a refund. He said no but
come back tomorrow and we'll take care of you.
... It was at this time that another lady dancer showed up.
She had witnessed part of this ordeal and felt sorry for me... She knew
how I felt and warned me not to make trouble with the management, that
they would not tolerate any verbal abuse or deal with disputes. It
could be dangerous!
... I was shocked to hear that I had $6,500.00 worth of charges to
my account!. Needless to say I was speechless. Considering the
warning I was given earlier, I decided not to make a scene as we left
for home.
... I am now
a Federal Witness to this investigation and protected by the laws that
govern it. -- Statement of Crazy Horse Too patron,
What regularly happens at
the Crazy Horse sure sounds like "trick rolls and the
to me! Why
is one public nuisance shut down while the City of Las Vegas allows another
to operate with impunity?
It may have had something to
do with the Del Mar's choice of attorneys. As long as the Crazy Horse
stays open, the money keeps rolling in to pay certain local attorneys
including David Z. Chesnoff who doubles as Goodman's business partner.
Los Angeles attorney Clyde DeWitt is not close to Oscar B. Goodman, his
sons, protégés
or partner, therefore
he has limited standing before the city council. Had the motel's owners
used the services of John
Moran, Jay Brown, Ross or Eric Goodman, Louie Palazzo, or another
of Goodman's inner circle,
the motel may have just been fined and
allowed to stay open on a probationary basis with the mayor's
abstention. In the past, other adult business offenders were offered
such a deal when they used an attorney from the inner circle.
I believe Goodman's long time reason for doing
nothing in regard to the Crazy Horse is all about money. His
personal law firm Goodman
and Chesnoff represent persons
suspected of having hidden ownership in the Crazy Horse Too. His
protégés, Dean Patti and Tony Sgro, represent the Crazy Horse corporations,
staff, and Rick Rizzolo.
Dean Patti and Mayor
Goodman Tony Sgro and Vinnie
collaborate to relax
lap dance laws (AmericanMafia photo by Mike
(LV Review-Journal
The Goodman
Law Group consisting of the mayor's two sons under his counsel, may in
the future be called upon to represent Crazy Horse clients. Millions of
dollars in potential legal fees stand to be lost if the topless bar is
before the trial's begin, so the bloodshed
is obviously allowed to continue so money for legal fees can
stockpile. Its also speculated that
inner circle lawyers are telling their Crazy Horse clients to
not plea bargain so they can charge them exorbitant fees in prolonged
All dancers at the Horse are reportedly informed that if they are
for drugs
or prostitution,
they must call a secret 24 hour phone number that will
connect them directly to Patti, Sgro, or one of their partners -- they
will not be put on hold. This expensive service is also reportedly
being paid
for by the Crazy Horse. It looks to me like the Horse is being milked
dry by its handlers.
Another reason why club employees may be locally immune to prosecution
for prostitution, assaults, or credit card fraud is that Rizzolo
over $50,000 for the campaign of Clark County DA David Roger, and tens
of thousands for the campaigns of Municipal Judges George Assad and
Jessie Walsh. When I disclosed the donations, Roger reportedly
returned the money, however, he gladly accepted office space in Patti
and Sgro's building for his campaign headquarters. Assad and Walsh kept
the money.
Prostitution is only a misdemeanor in Clark County, and suspects
employed at the Crazy Horse often appear in Municipal Court before
Judges Assad and Walsh. Unfortunately, it sometimes becomes difficult
to tell the difference between the DA, Judges, and prostitutes after so
much money has changed hands.
. .
The FBI is fully aware
of the possible political corruption, and this information may come out
during the upcoming "Operation
Crazy Horse" federal racketeering trials.
At least one thing's for
sure. The Del Mar was up front when it came to letting passersby know
what it was. Never did the seedy motel try to masquerade as the Wynn Las Vegas, and conversely, the
Crazy Horse should never try to masquerade as a "Gentleman's Club."
In the meantime, Goodman, Jim DiFiore, David
Roger, and several
municipal judges remind me of these monkeys when it comes to the Crazy
Horse money machine:

Now that you've been informed, if you're in Vegas looking for some
action and don't want to be
ripped off, exposed
to STDs, beat
up, or trick
rolled and the like, drive sixty-five miles north to Nye County where
prostitution is legal. On second thought, save the gas and just head on
over to City
Hall for some real Sin City action!
* If you would like to receive Steve's frequent E-Briefs about Las Vegas'
scandals, click here: Steve Miller's Las Vegas E-Briefs
Copyright © Steve Miller
email Steve Miller at: