Steve Miller is a former Las Vegas City Councilman. In 1991, the readers
of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the "Most Effective Public
Official" in Southern Nevada. Visit his
website at:
Burn the place down?
VEGAS by Steve Miller
May 8, 2006
LAS VEGAS - While the Nevada Development Authority, Las Vegas Chamber
of Commerce, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, and Nevada
Resort Association continue spending millions of dollars monthly trying
to entice new high tech industry and tourism to our city, a few thugs
successfully redefined the image of our town into a Mob controlled,
dangerous, lawless place unfit for families, or the faint of heart.
This week, the local press was distracted by the conviction
of four of our Clark County Commissioners on thirty counts of
conspiracy, wire
fraud and extortion in the "Operation G-Sting" case. However, as former
commissioners Dario
Herrera and Mary Kincaid Chauncy are hauled off to prison, few in Sin
City realize this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Following their startling
court victory Friday afternoon, reinvigorated Federal prosecutors now
have the opportunity and encouragement to concentrate their full
energies on indicting and
prosecuting other corrupted local politicos including former Las Vegas
Councilman Michael
McDonald once named a "Subject" in Operation G-Sting, and
considered the person who arranged the bribing of the
Buffalo Jim Barrier disses
Newport Beach, Calif. restaurant
suspected of hidden Mob ownership. Barrier holds copy
of Orange
County Weekly showing O.C. Sheriff Michael
Carona with Rick Rizzolo. Carona is accused of having
Vegas Mob ties. His political opponents are using his
association with Rizzolo to help unseat him in the up-
coming election. Rizzolo is suspected of being a
hidden owner in the Ritz. (Photo by Jerrica Barrier)
McDonald was mentioned dozens
of times in the wire taps that just convicted two of his colleagues.
In addition to McDonald, Clark County District Court Judge
Nancy Siatta has been mentioned as a person of interest in the
FBI's ongoing investigation of local political corruption coined
"Operation Crazy Horse;" the original federal investigation that
inspired the highly successful "G-Sting" prosecutions in San
Diego and Las Vegas.
For years, at least one
Vegas judge,
several high level police
officers, the District Attorney,
and the Mayor
have been accused of aiding and abetting Rick
Rizzolo, the purported
owner of the Crazy
Horse Too, in alleged
racketeering enterprises. The FBI in wire taps of Rizzolo discovered
that McDonald had been taking $5,000 per month for over eight years
from Michael Galardi, the owner of a rival topless bar. When the Feds
started following McDonald, an ex-Vegas cop, they discovered he was
mentoring at least
four Clark County Commissioners and several of his cop friends in the
art of shaking down adult business
After monitoring
McDonald's every move and word, the Feds temporarily shifted their
attention from Rizzolo to the County Commissioners and Galardi, and
four years later secured five convictions after Galardi and
Commissioner Erin Kenny pleaded guilty and turned Federal witness. The
jury last Friday said they believed Galardi and Kenny's testimony. The
jury's vote of confidence inspired Galardi to tell reporters he's about
to blow the whistle on more crooked LV officials who bilked him out
of millions of dollars in bribes. McDonald is at the head of the list,
but there are bigger fish to fry.
Rick Rizzolo and
Rocco Lombardo on Strip with unidentified girls

Mob lawyer-turned-Mayor
Oscar Goodman has for years been protecting his
former law clients at the Crazy Horse Too. Joey Cusumano, a suspected
hidden owner of the bar along with now indicted Joey
"The clown"
Lombardo, another suspected Crazy Horse owner, were two of
most lucrative clients. Lombardo's brother Rocco is a Crazy Horse
executive. Another former Mob client and Crazy Horse
manager, Vinnie Faraci, has hired Goodman's law partner David Chesnoff
to defend him. Its also anticipated that Goodman's two attorney sons
will be enlisted if additional Crazy Horse goons are indicted.
In other words, the
Mayor's partner and sons stand to make a fortune in legal
fees in the near future unless the Feds let the thugs
plead guilty and bargain for lighter sentences. No wonder Goodman let
the place stay open after hundreds of requests to shut it down!
Crazy Horse manager Robert
"Bobby" D'Apice
(LV Review-Journal photo)

Meanwhile, Gus Flangas,
attorney for Buffalo Jim Barrier, Rizzolo's next door neighbor, filed an
18 page MOTION
FOR WRIT OF ATTACHMENT AND GARNISHMENT against Barrier's landlord, Rizzolo,
to secure at least a million dollars in the likely event Barrier wins
his four year old Harassment
Since 2002, Rizzolo has allegedly been harassing Barrier's auto garage
customers and employees to try to convince Barrier to move out to make
way for an expansion
of the Crazy Horse. However, Barrier, a former pro wrestler who has
been in the same location since 1976, wouldn't budge, and instead
mocked Rizzolo every chance he got while winning multiple small
claims lawsuits.

His fortitude landed him on the front page of the Las Vegas Mercury with baseball bat
in hand. Later, Rizzolo would testify that Barrier intimidated some of
his bouncers -- goons known for beating
the crap out of Crazy Horse customers who balked at signing
inflated credit card tabs.
In 2005, Barrier was named "Las
Vegas Most Colorful Character" by the Review-Journal for standing up to
the Mob, among other things. The publicity landed him a part in a
Toyota commercial.
Buffalo Jim Barrier lampooning Rizzolo's nixed expansion plan artist
To publicize his MOTION
California. There, he had this photo taken in front of a restaurant
that Rizzolo is suspected of secretly owning. When asked by restaurant
employees why he was there, Barrier reportedly told them "I'm a great
fan of the Mob, and I like to have my picture taken at Mob hangouts."
Barrier held up a copy of the Orange
County Weekly that featured a full page photo of Rizzolo
hugging O.C. Sheriff Michael Carona. The story about the cozy
relationship between the top cop and the hoodlum also appeared in the Los Angeles Times, and Orange
County Register, and was used
on political billboards in the LA area by opponents of Carona who faces
an uphill reelection battle.
The bad press continues.
On Sunday, Review-Journal columnist
John L. Smith predicted that Rizzolo might take a deal the government
has reportedly placed on the table to save the expense of a five month
trial involving hundreds of witnesses. The deal would reportedly
involve Rizzolo selling the club, but it would not guarantee that the
buyer would be any better, or prevent a close associate of the
suspected hidden owners from taking over.
Many observers consider the reported sale option totally unacceptable.
The only punishment they consider fair would be to permanently close
the business and put Rizzolo and his goons in prison for protracted
sentences. The Crazy Horse is known for hurting or killing its patrons
over the years. Many believe the punishment should better fit the
L. Smith wrote: If, as expected, the ink dries
on his deal with the federal government sometime this week, the owner
of the Crazy Horse Too topless club will plead guilty to a tax fraud
charge, serve a 10- to 16-month sentence with up to half that time
under house arrest, pay up to $15 million in fines and civil penalties,
and sell his Industrial Road club... If the deal
goes through, 17 other defendants will be included in the global
settlement, most receiving no jail time... Even Bobby D'Apice, the man
suspected of snapping the neck of Crazy Horse Too customer and Kansas
City, Kan., tourist Kirk Henry, an action that generated a bruising
litigation brought by former federal prosecutor Don Campbell and helped
open the door to the criminal RICO investigation, is in line to serve
fewer than four years in prison. He'll avoid watching Henry from his
paraplegic's wheelchair testify that his neck was broken over an $80
bar tab dispute. From such testimony are decade-long prison sentences
( Kirk
Henry has reportedly been offered a $10 million dollar settlement
from Rizzolo.)
However, another source familiar with the players tells INSIDE VEGAS: Rizzolo has strung out the
government leading them to believe that CH2 is a saleable asset
and that they (Feds) and Kirk Henry will be paid pursuant to the
negotiated settlement terms. Rizzolo's claims that there are many
potential suitors for the club is just a lie. Rizzolo is perpetuating
this lie to avoid an inevitable
receivership action by the Feds which will keep him from
the daily cash flow. Once the Feds "wise up" to Rizzolo's
agenda, I'm sure a receiver will be
placed in the club. I heard that Rizzolo said he
would burn the club down rather than lose it to Henry or the
Burn the club down? Keep in mind that in 1999, following an illegal
6,000 square foot expansion, the Las Vegas Fire Department did not
conduct a reevaluation of the club's fire capacity. At the time,
Rizzolo was schmoozing then-Mayor Jan Jones, while Councilman Mike
McDonald was living
rent free in a golf course villa owned by the family of Black Book
member Joey Cusumano. When neighbors of the club complained that there
was not enough parking, Jones shut them up at the public hearing. When
it was learned that the fire capacity, the criteria that establishes
the number of required parking spaces, had
not been reevaluated, City Hall offered no explanation. The neighbors
sued the city government, but a friendly judge dismissed the case.
To the best of my knowledge, the Crazy Horse Too never got a fire
inspection, so it would not surprise me if the club also has no
sprinkler system!
Barrier stands in front his his garage located next to topless bar
If Rizzolo does cut a deal with Feds and is unable to access the
daily cash flow of the club, I
highly recommend that Barrier make sure his fire insurance policy is in
good standing.
Also, regarding the daily cash flow,
worst nightmare is being nominated for inclusion in Nevada's Black
He's well known on the Strip as a "Whale;" a degenerate gambler who
often looses to up to one million dollars in a single night!
Because of this, it's not expected that Rizzolo will be nominated for
inclusion in Nevada's Black Book of persons barred from entering
casinos, even though he pleaded guilty to beating
a patron almost to death with a baseball bat!
There are no "Whales" listed in the Black Book -- and for good reason.
If a brave Gaming Control Board member were to nominate a "Whale" for
inclusion, the entire Strip would come to the slimeball's defense! And
it's those same guys who make the political campaign contributions that
keep the politicians who appoint the Gaming Commissioners and Board
Members in public office.
When asked if Mike McDonald would
testify against Rizzolo, on April 1, his lawyer Richard Wright told the
Review-Journal, McDonald
would testify against Rizzolo at a potential trial only
if he is offered immunity from prosecution.
Innocent people don't need immunity! I wonder what Galardi and Rizzolo
thought when they read Wright's words? It would be fascinating to hear
what McDonald has to say about Rizzolo; Mayor Goodman; his predecessor
ex-Mayor Jan Jones; several Metro cops; and our compromised District
Attorney David Roger.
This is why so many people want
"Operation Crazy Horse" to go to a full trial with few if any plea
bargains. If so, McDonald and Galardi could put away many more crooks
who now look like
they might get off the hook if Rizzolo, et al, are allowed to make a
After the phenomenal success the prosecutors enjoyed in "G-Sting," this
is no time to cut bait.
* If you would like to receive Steve's frequent E-Briefs about Las Vegas'
scandals, click here: Steve Miller's Las Vegas E-Briefs
Copyright © Steve Miller
email Steve Miller at: