Steve Miller is a former Las Vegas City Councilman. In 1991, the readers
of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the "Most Effective Public
Official" in Southern Nevada. Visit his
website at:
Clark County Sheriff Bill Young
Seven Las Vegas Metro
Police units spent over two hours with their engines
and air conditioners running while officers were inside a topless bar.
VEGAS by Steve Miller
May 30, 2005
female officer gets in idling cruiser 3 hours and 40 minutes after
arriving on scene
photo by Mike Christ)
open letter to Sheriff Young:
At approximately
9:20 AM, Thursday May 26, seven Metro
Police units arrived at the Crazy Horse Too on Industrial Road. They
were responding to several 911 calls from witnesses who reported a
fight taking place in front of the bar.
first callers were reportedly told by Metro Dispatch that Crazy Horse
"security" had the situation under control, and no Metro assistance was
requested by club management. When callers insisted, saying the fight
was ongoing and visible from the street, units were finally dispatched.
Police stopped
the fight that involved two bar patrons and a Crazy Horse bouncer.
One of the patrons was hog tied by the police and taken away by
A Canadian tourist gave this description of the incident:
"At approx.
9:10 AM Thursday, May 26, 2005, I was inside (Allstate Auto and Marine)
when I heard yelling and screaming outside. I went out to see a man
yelling and screaming at a waiter and another man. They started
fighting and then the waiter or bouncer yelled at me saying 'What the f_
_ _ are you
looking at?' I asked if he was talking to me and he
answered 'Yea you f _
_ _ ing ass_
_ _ _.' I went
back inside
(Allstate Auto) and told Jim (Barrier). He stated the bouncer's name
was James Stressing. The police and ambulance arrived approx. 9:20 AM
and wrestled the man to the ground, handcuffed and hog-tied him. (He
was more than drunk, he was in my opinion drugged.) He laid on the
ground in the hot sun until he was finally put on a stretcher at 9:50
AM, over 1/2 hour later. To me, nobody was doing anything to help him,
only standing around laughing. There was no reason for him (Stressing)
to yell or swear at me as I'm 70 years old and no threat to anyone and
I was only looking and never said a word to him... There was no reason
to leave him (the patron) on the ground in the hot sun for over 1/2
hour with the ambulance drivers standing there. Not a very good picture
of Las Vegas as I'm a tourist from Canada. I overheard one of the Metro
policemen state on the phone, 'Its not uncommon for someone to slip a
drug into a drink.' " -- Notarized statement of B. Murdoch
According to KLAS
TV News at noon
Thursday, no arrests were made following
the incident. James Stressing is reportedly a subject in an ongoing FBI
and IRS
investigation of the Crazy Horse.
officers spot photographer while talking to injured patron - 9:25 AM
patron lies on ground hog tied while police, bar personnel, and
paramedics listen as bouncer James
Stressing gives his statement
Seven Metro Police vehicles
remain on scene for over two hours
with their engines and air conditioners
running following incident
(Photo taken at 11:30 AM by Buffalo Jim Barrier)
The following marked and
unmarked Metro units arrived at the Crazy Horse at
approximately 9:20 AM. The time they left the scene is indicated next
to their license plate or ID Number. Their arrivals and departures are
confirmed by multiple witnesses (I will provide names upon request).
DT1318 (departed - 11:35 AM); DT1322
(departed - 11:50 AM); DT1101 (departed - 11:50 AM); 072KRU
(departed - 12:30 PM); EX47332 (departed - 1 PM); EX42450
(departed -1 PM); DT1137 (departed - 1:05 PM).
Sheriff Young. What were these officers doing in a
topless bar for so many hours
while their cruiser's engines and air conditioners were left running in
100 degree heat? This is the same bar that is owned by the man you
referred to on August 5, 2003, as a "person
of ill repute." Should so many officers be spending hours in such a
place after no arrests were made? Why
did detectives in unmarked units respond to the scene of a
simple fist fight? Why did it take multiple calls
to Metro Dispatch before police were sent out?
Furthermore, This
is not the first time citizens who called 911 were told that "club
management" would have to make the request for police assistence before
units would be dispatched.
At 9 AM, Friday May 14, 2004, the Metropolitan Police were
notified that a semi truck driven by an intoxicated man leaving the
Crazy Horse parking lot had crashed into a parked car. After narrowly
missing several pedestrians, the giant truck was seen speeding toward
an adjacent residential neighborhood.
Minutes after the initial 911 call was made, the citizen who
reported the incident said he received a return call from "Kathy in
Dispatch." She reportedly told him that Crazy Horse management would be
required to call in the complaint before police would respond. No such
call was made and police never showed up to investigate the hit and run.
This business has been
accused of influencing
police officers and
paramedics to minimize
or skip incident reports during the ongoing federal racketeering
and political corruption investigation, and
prior to an upcoming attempted
murder civil trial.

D'Apice (brown jacket) escorts Las Vegas Paramedics into Crazy
Horse Too
for coffee and eye candy in 2004. Many recent incidents of
violence and DUIs
gone unreported by LVMPD and
LVFD personnel.
by Buffalo
Jim Barrier)
department is currently asking lawmakers to approve a sales
tax hike to fund more officers, something our city certainly needs.
For the sake of that request,
please look into the above matter immediately since the measure only
passed by a 52 percent to 48 percent margin
as an
advisory question on last November's ballot.
Steve Miller
* If you would like to receive Steve's frequent E-Briefs about Las Vegas'
scandals, click here: Steve Miller's Las Vegas E-Briefs
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