The Last Hours of the Crazy Horse Too
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams --
and Necks
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
April 18, 2005
LAS VEGAS - Industrial Road was once a peaceful avenue lined with
warehouses and hard hat bars. Located half a mile from the Strip, the
obscure road in the early 1980s became the location of most of the
city's topless clubs, and problems soon began. Now thanks to one of
those clubs, Industrial Road is about to become Sin City's version of
Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
Plans for Las Vegas expansion and new club in Philadelphia
threatened by FBI-IRS probe
The most notorious bar on Industrial Road is
the Crazy Horse Too, a
"gentleman's club" with
plans* and even bigger problems. Plans once included
down the existing converted warehouse and replacing it
with a $50 million dollar palace, and to open an extension of the
infamous club in Philadelphia, PA. Such grandiose plans require big
bucks and political clout, but the Horse's
method of making money and manipulating public officials has
drawn the
ire of the FBI and IRS.
You name it -- prostitution, drug
trafficking, beating up and stealing money from customers, hiding cash
from the IRS and even giving kickbacks to cabbies -- and it is reported
to have taken place at the Crazy Horse. -- Jeff German,
Vegas SUN, April 13, 2005
After leaving
trail of blood all the way to the bank, the "Coming Soon" part of
the club's Vegas and Philadelphia dreams has been torn apart by the
of its owners and the anticipated closing of their Industrial Road
money factory. Officials in the Keystone state are likely paying
attention causing speculation the Philadelphia Crazy Horse will never
The Gold Club in Atlanta is an example of a similar enterprise that
drew the ire of the feds. They imprisoned its owner Steve Kaplan and
his building. In "Operation Crazy Horse," the feds main goal is the
same according to sources within the investigation, but it may also
encompass a far reaching probe into Las Vegas' incestuous political,
enforcement, and judiciary clique.
Ironically, millions paid in cash to local cabbies, doormen,
concierges, and limo drivers who
customers from other clubs could be the straw that breaks the Horse's
back. Where did the cash come from and was it reported? Was it part of
a money laundering scheme?
For years the Crazy Horse has paid off people who tell tourists that
competitive clubs are closed or have become gay bars. $25 per head or
more is paid for each diverted taxi or limo passenger. After the
patrons enter the bar, an employee hands the driver a cash payoff for
each customer, and over the years no one knows how much has been spent
this way. Rizzolo, a source says, stated he paid around $5 million in
cash to cabbies in 2004.
Of course there were many more heinous crimes allegedly committed at
the Crazy Horse including the beating death of
Fau and the crippling of
Henry and Rick Sandlin (sp). Because these cases were never
prosecuted, the
feds may be inspired to drag in past and present Clark County District
Attorneys, the former Sheriff, and at
least one local Judge. The lack of prosecution also may bring on
charges of political
corruption that could spread
But don't forget that simple income tax evasion was all it took to put
Capone even though he was also accused of committing much more
serious crimes.
In the middle of this mess is
Rick Rizzolo
who for years has been suspected of fronting for the mob, possibly New
crime family. Others are suspected of having hidden
ownership in the bar as well.
Rizzolo, according to the
may be contemplating a deal to save his brother, sister, and
from being included in the federal prosecution. Sources tell me such a
would require him pleading guilty to tax evasion, paying back taxes and
a fine, naming his alleged silent partners; stooges in
the DA's office; Police Department; and
Hall, in addition to forfeiting the club and spending a few
years in prison.
Much of the evidence gathered by the feds was reportedly obtained
through wiretaps and bugs, some allegedly placed at tables in plush Las
and Newport Beach
owned by
Glusman. Its not yet known whether Glusman cooperated in placing
the bugs.
Here are some of the players in this story:
(Photos by Mike Christ, KVBC TV News, LV Sun, LV Review-Journal)


Annette, Ralph and Bart
Rizzolo Attorney Tony Sgro, Vinnie Faraci, Bart
Rizzolo Joey Cusumano
and Oscar Goodman


Mayor Oscar Goodman
and Crazy Horse PR man Tom Letizia
Rick Rizzolo and Al
Rolando Larraz



Oscar Goodman and
Former DA Stewart Bell
DA David
Roger Judge Nancy Saitta
I began writing about
violence at the Crazy Horse in 1999. I wrote for what was
then a fearless but struggling weekly newspaper called the Las Vegas Tribune. My factual
front page stories and shocking columns about the bloodshed built the
paper's circulation to over 40,000, but in January 2001, Rick Rizzolo filed a baseless
defamation lawsuit against the paper and myself (dismissed in 2003). Undaunted, on
October 3, 2001,
I scooped the two daily papers by writing
the first story about the
assault on Kirk Henry that resulted in him becoming a quadriplegic. Rizzolo's attorneys immediately filed a
Motion for a Gag Order against me in the court of a friendly judge.
Monday, April 11, 2005
© Las Vegas Review-Journal
In this Nov. 13, 2001, file photo,
attorney Tony Sgro,
left, argues in favor of a gag order
against former
City Councilman Steve Miller and the Las Vegas
Tribune. At right are attorneys Dowon Kang, Chris
Rasmussen and Gus Flangas, who opposed the
Photo by Gary Thompson.
I was deeply insulted by this unconstitutional action, and
because it was happening in the court of a judge I believe prejudiced
the outcome of
case as a favor to her biggest
campaign contributor (Rizzolo), I decided to skip the hearing and
instead write a front page story designed to violate any gag order
Judge Nancy M. Saitta might issue. However, I didn't get the chance
Mitchell along with his attorneys and the attorneys for the ACLU
surprisingly showed up in the courtroom gallery. With them watching,
the judge obviously had no choice but to uphold
the First Amendment.
Following the failed effort to shut me up, I felt even more compelled
Tribune articles
about violence at the Crazy
Horse and the incestuous behavior of local public officials. But
another obstacle was thrust in my path.
Tribune publisher
Larraz for over three years had
supported and collaborated in my stories.
Then, all of a sudden in November 2002, he asked me to stop writing
about the Crazy Horse! He
explained that two of his "closest friends,"
Doumani and Joey Cusumano, were "loaning" him money to keep the
paper afloat, and both had close ties to the club. He asked me as a
favor to please avoid offending them. Unfortunately the violence and
corruption continued, so as a journalist I felt compelled to
persist with my reports hoping they would force the mayor to take
action against the bar's liquor license before anyone else was beaten
or killed.
I was distressed when a story I wrote about violations of the
Awareness Law was excluded from the next edition of the
Tribune along with my weekly column
that told of court
accusing the Crazy Horse of prostitution and drug sales.
Immediately, Larraz began bragging that he "fired Steve
Miller" though he never did so to my face. During the same week,
Rick Rizzolo's father
reportedly boasted "We silenced Steve Miller!" The next edition
of the
Tribune featured an
amazing editorial gushing praise on Rizzolo, Doumani, Judge Saitta,
Mayor Goodman, Councilman Mike McDonald, and Cusumano while
apologizing for all my stories claiming I had "brainwashed" Larraz.
Fortunately, I was simultaneously writing for, so in
order to keep the locals informed of the burgeoning Crazy Horse story,
a friend started hand delivering thousands of photocopies of
VEGAS column on the subject. Without their exclusive exposé,
circulation soon fell to a trickle while the free
printouts became sought after at the Courthouse,
Police Department, City Hall, and Federal Building. The bragged about
"silence" became a deafening roar - so much so that the mayor was heard
saying "I'd like to throw Steve Miller out the tenth floor window of
City Hall!"
To my detractor's dismay, the Crazy Horse story could not be subjugated
by simply calling in a marker or two from a desperate publisher.
Tribune's former top story had already sprouted wings and
the attention of the
press while helping inspire a
Rizzolo's empire began to crumble.
Even with the skilled
relations help of Fred Glusman's son-in-law
Letizia who doubles as Goodman's campaign
and fund raiser, Rizzolo's reputation began to fall apart. Once
referred to as a "
Pillar of the
community" by City Councilman Mike McDonald, and once described as
having "a good name in the community" by
Saitta, Rizzolo was now being referred to as a "
of ill repute" by Clark County Sheriff
Bill Young. Rizzolo's
friends, especially in government, reportedly began
him in public. The only people who still cater to him are the bosses in
casinos where he maintains a
dollar line of credit.
Sheriff Young
The feds opened a giant can of worms. Why had the Crazy Horse been
to operate illegally for so long? Who in
government and who in local
enforcement was protecting the place? Because newly elected Sheriff
Young seems to have inadvertently inherited an embarrassing small group
of corrupt cops from his predecessor, he now appears eager to clean out
his department. (I'm told he should start with the SouthWest Command.)
Since the FBI and IRS stepped in, inquiries have been made about the
of Mayor Goodman and
McDonald to
Cusumano, Goodman's former
law client who is a suspected hidden owner in the club and a member of
Black Book
undesirables. And about Goodman's relationship to
Rapuano and
Lombardo, both bosses at the Crazy Horse? Rapuano, a former Goodman
client, was fired by a casino when they learned he had connections to
organized crime, and Rocco is the
brother of Joey
"the clown" Lombardo, the
reported underboss of the Chicago mob and also a former Goodman client.
Questions were also asked about Goodman's law partner
Chesnoff who is currently representing ex-Crazy Horse shift boss
Faraci, the son of Bonanno crime family capo
Green" Faraci, and whether their attorney-client relationship may
Goodman or his criminal defense attorney sons who may take on other
Crazy Horse defendants?
Some observers speculate that Mayor Oscar B. Goodman has
intentionally kept the Crazy Horse open this long so that his law firm
could milk the Horse's defendants dry. Though he states otherwise, he
still remains deeply involved with the firm as is indicated by this
current Yellow Page advertisement:
Last week, Goodman's business partner may
have obstructed
justice by stopping Faraci
from answering questions during a deposition in Kirk Henry's attempted
murder lawsuit against Rizzolo and the Crazy Horse. Chesnoff's action
inspired Discovery Commissioner Thomas
Biggar to threaten a bench
warrant to force Faraci to answer questions.
The Brooklyn native is a registered felon with a 1985 mail
fraud conviction. An incident in which he was named but not prosecuted
in 1985 involved the alleged ball bat beating of a Crazy Horse Too
customer. -- John L. Smith, LV Review-Journal, August 8, 2004
For some reason, Vinnie recently made plans to move to Mexico,
therefore he sold his 4,255 square foot, million
dollar Vegas crib. To make the sale and reap a hefty commission, Faraci
hired none other than Dave Radcliffe, a Metro
Police officer who moonlights as a real estate agent. Am
I surprised at the fact that a local cop has such a cozy relationship
with a felon connected to the Crazy Horse? Not in Sin City! Maybe its
these kinds of relationships that caused the new Sheriff to make his "
of ill repute" remark about Rizzolo who was Vinnie's former boss
(or stooge)?
Strangely, former Sheriff Jerry Keller never
questioned such relationships happening on his watch. Now he works for
Wynn as head of security.
ex-Sheriff Keller
Questions like these gained new meaning after Kirk Henry was paralyzed.
Following extensive
news reports on the assault, Mayor Goodman repeatedly refused to
the Crazy Horse up on a
revocation action. However, within a year he jumped at the chance
its closest competitor $1.1 million, and completely
down another competitor while
continued unabated at the Horse.
Inquiries were made about Rizzolo's $40,000
to the 2003 political campaigns of David Roger for DA and
for Mayor (He ran unopposed). And why DA Roger or
predecessors Stewart Bell and Rex Bell (no relation) never filed
criminal charges against club employees for allegedly crippling Henry
and Sandlin (sp) or killing
Kirk Henry's 12-year-old son,
Jared, checks his father's
blood pressure
Friday morning after Henry
felt light-
headed. Since his neck was broken,
problems with
low blood pressure have
threatened Henry's life
It was outgoing DA
Bell who told a TV audience in 2002 that he found "probable cause"
to prosecute
assailant, but since he was about to leave the DA's office
and be sworn in as a District Court Judge, he said he would leave it up
to his
successor, incoming DA David Roger, to decide whether to proceed with
the prosecution.
Immediately after being sworn in, Roger dropped all cases against the
Crazy Horse Too.
Before being elected DA, Stewart Bell in 1987 represented Rizzolo
in a civil case based on the alleged kidnapping and
bat beating of Sandlin (sp). Rex Bell was DA at the time.
Rizzolo was exonerated though Sandlin (sp) later died of his injuries.
There are just too many unanswered questions, questions that should
have been asked years ago by local authorities before the feds had to
step in. Consequently the clock is now counting down the
hours and minutes left for Rizzolo to come clean or reportedly risk the
prosecution of his family at the hands of the US Attorney.
Depending on if and when Rick Rizzolo cuts a deal, and depending on if
he identifies accomplices, the end of the bloody Crazy Horse
trail may be in sight. Then
Boulevard of Broken Dreams may again be peaceful.
*Links to corroborating stories have been provided to assist in
research on this subject.
* If you would like to receive Steve's frequent E-Briefs about Las Vegas'
scandals, click here: Steve Miller's Las Vegas E-Briefs
Copyright © Steve Miller
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