Steve Miller is a former Las Vegas City Councilman. In 1991, the readers
of the Las Vegas Review Journal voted him the "Most Effective Public
Official" in Southern Nevada. Visit his
website at:
Mayors caught enriching crony
in "Honey pot estates" scam
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
March 6, 2006
Former Mayor
Current Mayor Goodman
LAS VEGAS - Former
Vegas Mayor Jan Jones is currently the Senior Vice President of
Communications and Government Relations for Harrah's Entertainment,
Inc. Last Thursday, Jones' photo appeared on
the front
page of the Las Vegas
Review-Journal for reasons Harrah's would never condone.
A previously withheld
document published in the LV Review-Journal
showed that she may have interfered
with an internal city inquiry that would have put the breaks on a
sweetheart deal designed to make Billy Walters -- one of her closest
friends -- tens of
millions of dollars at taxpayer expense.
Billy Walters after the city council
voted to investigate him
the past seven years, it seems that entire departments of Las Vegas
City Hall have been busy doing the bidding of one golf course
developer. Giving him special rates on his water; letting him buy city
land for pennies on the dollar; letting him use city land for no
compensation; providing him inside information so he can outbid
competitors; and most important, placing phony restrictions on the
dissemination of public records to keep law enforcement and reporters
at bay.
The revelation came after months of city hall stonewalling based on the
phony premise that communications between elected and appointed public
officials, if copied to the city attorney, are protected by
"attorney-client privilege." Only a savvy attorney such as Sin City's
current mayor, former mob lawyer Oscar Goodman, could have conjured up
such a scheme to keep the public in the dark.
"Today is a sad day from a lawyer's perspective." "The attorney-client
privilege should be forever," whined Mayor Goodman after media
outrage and good lawyering forced him and his obedient council to
consider waiving the purported "privilege," and release a truck load of
damning documents to the public and stalled off investigators from the
Nevada Department of Justice.
He complained the media will "take this
opportunity to cast aspersions and try to destroy the reputation of
people referenced. That is cowardly, that is yellow journalism. I
believe it's a cheap shot. And whoever reads the drivel should take
into consideration the source of the drivel. "
Goodman said this moments before last Wednesday's vote to lift the veil
of secrecy surrounding the taxpayer funded enriching of his former
client, Billy Walters, and after a career spent putting
down law enforcement agencies.
Last summer, LV Metro Police found
criminal wrongdoing by city staff to benefit Walters, and the Clark
County DA refused to prosecute claiming the statute of limitations had
expired. Nevada Attorney General George Chanos smelled a rat, and took
over the case from the recalcitrant
Last Wednesday, Goodman inadvertently compared city elected officials
and bureaucrats to his former murderous clients who he protected
through "attorney-client privilege," when he called the privilege " sacrosanct."
Then his stooge, City Attorney Brad
Jerbic, tried to put the lid back on when reporters asked for the
previously withheld documents.
Goodman was the mouthpiece for many of the most dangerous criminals in
our country's history. He was well respected among his Mafia clients
for keeping his mouth shut, and last Wednesday he tried to apply the
same criminal defense standards to withhold public information -- a
real rotten apples and oranges stretch of logic he probably thought he
could get away with because of his pseudo popularity.
Goodman and his city attorney knowingly withheld information
needed by the AG to complete the investigation by claiming a privilege
that does not belong in city government. When I was at city hall,
EVERYTHING was public information. NOTHING in city government has ever
been considered "privileged" information. LV City hall is not the CIA,
or a criminal court trial. Its governed by and for the citizens of our
city, not Billy Walters, Jan Jones,
and Oscar Goodman. Its obvious they think the public is really stupid,
and their "attorney-client privilege" claim proved it. The following
council items were an insult to the public's intelligence.
Las Vegas City Council Agenda
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
32. Discussion and possible action by the Las Vegas City Council to
waive attorney-client privilege for itself, its members and its prior
members in the matter of the investigation being conducted by the
Nevada Attorney General and the law firm of Senn Muelemans LLP into the
Royal Links Golf Course matter - All Wards
33. Discussion and possible action to direct the City Manager to waive
attorney-client privilege for himself, his employees, prior employees
of the City who worked for the City Manager and previous City Managers
in the matter of the investigation being conducted by the Nevada
Attorney General and the law firm of Senn Muelemans LLP into the Royal
Links Golf Course matter - All Wards
When things began to look bleak for
Goodman after his previously secret documents appeared on the KLAS TV News website, and RJ, an unexpected knight in shining
armor raced in to protect him.
Goodman was once Billy Walters' criminal defense attorney and accepted
hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees secured
by Walters' LV Country Club home, so its easy to see through Goodman's
protective position -- and conflict
of interest. However, Walters also has another protector in the
form of Brian Greenspun, the Editor of the Las Vegas Sun. Greenspun is
partners with Walters in the Wild Horse golf course.
Walters' business partner Brian Greenspun
On February 23,
Greenspun published an amazing Editorial
in support of his partner. Earlier that month he funded a skewed
"independent study" showing everything Walters does is good for the
taxpayers. Goodman conveniently jumped at the chance of using this
"independent study" to hammer his critics.
"We knew we were doing the right thing for the taxpayers, so it's good
that an independent study has confirmed that fact." "I hope this will
serve to promote the people's trust in the City Council and the belief
that we continue to act in their best interests," Goodman told the SUN on Feb.19.
Billy Walters wants to build thousands of low end houses on land that
was deed restricted to be a golf course purposely located next to the
city sewer plant to buffer odors. Goodman is now trying to
promote Walters' plan to build what is sometimes referred to as "Honey
Pot Estates." To do so, the deed restriction would have to be lifted,
and Goodman was poised to do so until the AG stepped in.
This week, Goodman's predecessor Jan Jones and her stooge former
Councilman Michael McDonald were flushed into the mix when the
"attorney-client privilege" ploy splashed back in Goodman's face.
Meanwhile, KLAS TV's, and RJ
city hall reporter David McGrath Schwartz' in
depth coverage of this story has caught Jones,
McDonald, Goodman, and Greenspun in an
evaporation pond of their own making, and all the spin doctors in
Nevada can't mask the smell as they swirl round and round looking for a
way out.
* If you would like to receive Steve's frequent E-Briefs about Las Vegas'
scandals, click here: Steve Miller's Las Vegas E-Briefs
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