Rizzolo's 800 Year Payment Schedule
Racket boss agrees to pay
$9 million dollar judgment
to beating victim in increments
of $1,000 per month.
Is this a "Good Faith" effort,
or just another sham?
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
February 8, 2011
LAS VEGAS - A deal has been cut between
parole officer Eric
Christiansen and Rick
The convicted racketeer and former Crazy
Horse Too strip club owner has reportedly agreed to pay $9 million in court
ordered restitution to beating
victim Kirk Henry at the rate of $1,000 per month -- a payment schedule
that, if approved, will take over 800 years to complete!
This is in response to a MOTION
filed on April 23, 2010 by United States Attorney Daniel G. Bogden stating:
"The Government asks the Court to deny defendant’s motion for final satisfaction
and to modify defendant’s conditions of supervised release to require defendant
to make monthly payments to the Henrys for his restitution obligation or
settlement obligation or both."
However, it's doubtful that Bogden meant
that Rizzolo pay only $1,000 per month for more than 800 years (do the
math) while his vast fortune remains out of reach in off shore accounts
while the felon thumbs
his nose and parties
like a rock star!
Now it's up to United States Federal Judge
Philip Pro to approve the deal.
During plea negotiations in 2005 -- one
month after Rizzolo hastily
divorced his wife of 27 years -- Rizzolo bargained with federal prosecutors
that he would pay Kirk Henry, a Kansas tourist whose neck was broken by
one of Rizzolo's goons over a disputed $88 bar tab, $10 million in exchange
for a shortened prison sentence. Henry initially received one million dollars
from Rizzolo's insurance, but the rest has yet to be paid after Rizzolo
got out of prison three years ahead of schedule based on his plea bargained
Rizzolo's excuse? He's
Last week a source at the Nevada Division
of Parole and Probation confirmed that Rizzolo and his parole officer conjured
up paying $1,000 per month payments to Henry. It's assumed that this act
of generosity will be used to prove "good faith" at Rizzolo's Parole Violation
hearing set for February 16.
At the hearing, it's certain that the 800
year payment schedule will be mentioned, and court observers are anxiously
awaiting Judge Pro's decision as to its fairness in light of millions
of dollars Rizzolo transferred to his ex-wife in a "sham"
divorce one month before his plea negotiations began in 2005, money Lisa
Rizzolo with the help of the
brother of another Federal Court Judge transferred to a Cook
Islands bank in order to keep it from being seized by Henry and the
It's not yet known whether Chrisiansen
and Rizzolo are making a similar offer to the IRS. If so, and if the deal
is also approved by Judge Pro, it might add another eleven thousand payments
of $1,000 per month onto Rizzolo's tab!
If Judge Pro does not extend or revoke
Rizzolo's about-to-expire parole at the hearing on February 16, Rizzolo
may be relieved of the Government's authority over his requirement to pay
Kirk Henry. And his requirement to pay several IRS liens the U.S. Treasury
has unexplainably not pursued may also be seriously hampered.
If Judge Pro acquiesces on February 16,
Rizzolo will then be free of penalty to spend his hidden off shore fortune
as he wishes, or transfer it to other countries out of the reach of Henry
and the IRS, and also be free to leave the U.S. at will.
Here's a list of Rick and Lisa Rizzolo's
debts in order of priority according to Judge Pro:
All of the United States
Marshals Service's costs, expenses, and private counsel's attorney fees
for the real property transaction related to the care and the sale of the
Property and the Trademark and Trade name Crazy Horse Too, including but
not limited to the maintenance, the protection, the repair, the service
of process, the publication, the utilities, the insurance, the CB Richard
Ellis real estate commission, the escrow, the closing costs, the real estate
transfer tax, private counsel's attorney fees for the real property transaction,
The Clark County Taxes owed
on the Property with penalties and interest
The City of Las Vegas sewer
The Security Pacific Bank
($5 million dollar) loan with attorneys' fees, penalties, and interest
The restitution of US $9,000,000.00
plus interest to Kirk and Amy Henry
The restitution of US $1,734,000.00
plus accruals to the IRS
The assessment of US $500.00
plus interest
The fines of US $750,000.00
plus interest
The forfeiture of US $4,250,000.00
plus interest
The City of Las Vegas judgment
lien of US $2,192,000.00 plus interest
The IRS tax lien against
Rizzolo for the 2006 individual income taxes of US $1,032,535.26 plus accruals |
(Click HERE
for a list of the Rizzolo's assets.)
If Rizzolo's parole is allowed to expire
as currently scheduled on April 1, 2011, it's very doubtful any of the
above debts will ever get paid. As evidence of Rizzolo's long term devotion
to avoid paying court ordered debts, I submit two CONFIDENTIAL documents
for your perusal.
The first document (below) was authored
by asset
protection attorney John Dawson, the brother of United States Federal
Judge Kent Dawson. Judge Dawson works in the same Las
Vegas Federal Courthouse as Judge Pro, and it might be embarrassing
to his colleagues on the Nevada Federal Court bench if it became known
that Judge Dawson's brother is currently
hiding assets for a convicted racketeer and tax cheat. Judge Dawson
was appointed for life to the Federal bench in 1999 by United States Senator
Harry Reid whose sons work for the same law firm as John Dawson. Senator
Reid is also the business
partner of Rizzolo's former attorney and Corporate Agent Jay Brown.
John Dawson wrote the letter in May, 2001
following a number of highly
publicized personal injury lawsuits between April 2000 and January
2001 against Rizzolo and the Crazy Horse Too, along with the highly publicized
1995 wrongful death lawsuit against Rizzolo by the family of the late Scott
David Fau. John Dawson's letter proves that the Rizzolos fully anticipated
being in the position they are today.
At the time of the letter, several highly
publicized lawsuits accused Crazy Horse Too shift manager Robert
"Bobby" D'Apice and unnamed Crazy Horse Too employees of using force
to compel customers to pay disputed charges. However, John Dawson gladly
accepted the Rizzolos as new asset protection clients while the name "Rizzolo"
was front page news.
Six years later, Judge Dawson coincidentally
presided over the trials of 16 Rizzolo employees and gave most slaps
on the wrist. During the 16 trials, the Judge never disclosed that
his brother was hiding the assets of the Crazy Horse Too defendant's boss
and his wife.
Rick Rizzolo along with his 16 employees
including D'Apice were all later convicted of felonies, though Rizzolo
stood trial down the hall in Judge Pro's court. Nonetheless, John Dawson
became Rizzolo's Corporate Agent, and continues without shame to do asset
protection work for Rick and Lisa Rizzolo. The Dawson brother's glaring
conflict of interest in the "Crazy Horse 16" cases was never reported by
the Nevada media.
I believe Rick and Lisa Rizzolo's relationship
with the brother of a Nevada Federal Court Judge has caused Kirk Henry's
case to languish.
Here's where the plot began:

The following CONFIDENTIAL FAX from the
Rizzolo's attorney sent on July 8, 2008, asks John Dawson if the $1 million
dollar proceeds from the sale of the Philadelphia Crazy Horse Too could
be assigned to Rick's late father Bart "before somebody else seeks to attach
the payments."
This highly revealing FAX clearly implicates
the Rizzolo's legal team in an illegal scheme to evade paying the IRS and
Mr. Henry. If John Dawson was a legitimate asset protection attorney, I
believe he would have dropped the Rizzolos as clients upon receipt of such
a memo.
With so much clear evidence of collusion,
tax evasion, and fraudulent
transfers of assets, it should not be difficult for Judge Pro to rule
that Rick Rizzolo is a flight risk if he's released from parole in April,
and that his parole should be extended, or revoked and Rizzolo re-imprisoned,
until he cooperates in repatriating his assets to the U.S. where they can
be seized to pay his court ordered debts.
Judge Pro (left) treats Rick Rizzolo like any ordinary parolee on February
16, and determines there's probable cause that Rizzolo violated the conditions
of his release in Contempt of Court, a Bench Warrant can be issued and
Rizzolo taken into Federal custody directly from the courtroom.
Maybe if Rick Rizzolo is sent back to prison
for a while, he might come to the realization that 800 years is far too
long a time to take to pay his debts.
A recent Federal
case in Minnesota established Case Law for Judge Pro to use with Rizzolo
or anyone else who thinks they can avoid paying debts to the Government
by transferring their assets off shore.
U.S. District Judge Michael Davis sent
huckster Trevor Cook to prison for "defying court orders by concealing
financial assets and failing to account for and return millions of dollars
of investors' money from overseas accounts."
Cook had tried to outsmart the U.S. Securities
and Exchange Commission and screw his investors. Rizzolo is trying
to rip off the IRS and Kirk Henry. Judge Davis sent
a strong message that it's not a good idea to fool with the United
States Government, and I hope Judge Pro and U.S. Attorney for Nevada Daniel
Bogden paid attention.
The ball is now in Judge Philip Pro's court.
If Judge Pro does not follow Judge Davis' example, the real outcome of
Rizzolo's February 16 Parole Violation hearing will be to show that this
high profile and very
politicized case has not promoted
public respect for the law, and is being allowed to continue
ad nauseam, making a total mockery of Nevada's Federal Court system.
EDITOR'S NOTE: AmericanMafia.com will be in court on February 16 to
cover Rick Rizzolo's Parole Violation hearing.