the Crazy Horse Too into a church, then tear it down
wrestler discourages Mob
buyers with his Nikon
Mob Museum wins support over Veteran's
and US Senator ignores injured skateboarders
VEGAS by Steve Miller
February 4, 2008

LAS VEGAS - A federal
government official who requested anonymity
told INSIDE VEGAS that the difference between the Gold Club in Atlanta
and the Crazy Horse Too in Las Vegas is "The City of Atlanta wanted the
Gold Club torn down. The City of Las Vegas wants the Crazy Horse to
City fathers in Atlanta went one step further. Before the building was
razed in 2004, they allowed the shuttered topless bar to be converted
into a
church according to the March 6, 2004 New
York Times story "Where
Strippers Held Sway, Now the Gospel Does."
What a fitting tribute to the Mob!
The Gold Club's owner, Steve
Kaplan, and more than a dozen
others were indicted on charges including racketeering, prostitution
and credit card fraud. Kaplan pleaded guilty and was
sentenced to 16 months. He also had to give up his club to the
In the Crazy Horse case, 16
persons including the club's
owner were indicted on charges including racketeering and credit card
fraud. All plea
bargained down to tax evasion, and three including the
club's owner Rick
Rizzolo ended up in Federal prison. The club was
also seized by the government.
But unlike the City of
the City of Las Vegas has no
appetite for seeing an infamous saloon permanently closed. This is "Sin
City" after all, and the Crazy Horse Too was a perfect fit with the new
Vegas image of "What happens here, stays here."
This is also a city
where our mayor has so far raised $15 million to convert a post
office into a museum
devoted to the legends of many of his former mob clients. Mayor
Oscar Goodman is successfully raising private and public funding for
his Mob Museum to be located next to City Hall.
It's not yet known whether Rizzolo has contributed to insure he'll be
included among the displays. In the late 1980s, Goodman got him off on
a gross misdemeanor after he beat a Crazy Horse patron almost to death
with a baseball
But last week, the LV City Council
silently turned down a request to
fund $800,000 for a city park devoted to honoring our fallen war
heroes. A
discussion about the proposed "Veterans Memorial Park" was quietly
removed from
this Wednesday's council agenda after Mayor Pro Tem Gary Reese told
of local and state veteran's organizations, "We don't have the money."
Meanwhile, Goodman is forging ahead with raising over $45 million to
honor the scum of the earth, and give himself a permanent place in LV
Vegas is blessed with a former
(current?) Mob lawyer running the city, and our mostly brain dead
citizens love him according to popularity polls. Goodman
and his law partner Jay Brown once served as Rick Rizzolo's corporate
agents, and
and Brown (a business
partner of US Senator Harry
along with their law partner David
Chesnoff represented other Crazy Horse employees, some who were
associated with the late Tony
"The ant" Spilotro (shown with Goodman in photo above). Spilotro is
expected to
have a prominent place in the museum near displays devoted to
other Goodman Law Firm clients including Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal
and Joey
"The clown" Lombardo.
Goodman's future Mob Museum

In the new Las Vegas, honoring the
Mob takes preference over honoring our city's war heroes!
Goodman and his minion
Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian recently bent over backward to insure that
the Crazy Horse Too does not
meet the same fate as the Gold Club. But at the same time, Tarkanian
was turning her back on
the pleas of local veterans.
Goodman is behind the scenes at city hall telling his stooges on the
council to cooperate with Rizzolo's lawyers. Tarkanian, at the behest
of Rizzolo's Newport Beach, California cronies in December sponsored a
custom made ordinance to extend the time the Crazy Horse can remain
dark and maintain its non conforming adult use and subsequent higher
Instead of the bar having lost
its grandfathered zoning on
December 30 of last year, "Tarkanian's Law" now allows the shuttered
building to remain zoned for adult use for an additional six months
until June 30, 2008, hoping that given the extra time someone will step
forward to pay enough to cover the Rizzolo's $28 million dollar court
ordered obligation and negate the need to go after his hidden personal
Nonetheless, the federal government is finding it impossible to sell
the carcass of the Crazy Horse to a legitimate buyer for the outrageous
amount they're asking. Only Mob straw men are interested in over paying
enough to bail Rick and Lisa Rizzolo out -- possibly with Rizzolo's own
Even with the Tarkanian's help, the Feds may not approve an eleventh
hour buyer to pay Rick and Lisa's debts in which case the court will
no other choice than to go after the couple's hidden assets.
But no one at city hall wants that to happen.
In the
meantime, neighboring business owner Buffalo Jim Barrier is monitoring
all engress and egress to the
property now owned by the United States of America, and providing
of all persons who enter the building accompanied by agents with C.B.
Richard Ellis Realty Company or Federal Marshals. Within minutes of
their arrival or departure, I post the photos in my daily INSIDER E-BRIEF.
Then I'm amazed how readers can respond immediately with the names and
associations of
the persons who have up until now all had ties to organized crime.
That's probably because my E-BREIFS are received by every law
enforcement agency and newsroom in this state and beyond, and under the
Nevada Shield Law -- the strongest such law in the nation, I can
guarantee anonymity
to my sources.
Therefore, I'm proud to provide this public service.
said, "I feel the same as those folks
did in Atlanta. A toilet like this needs to be torn down, not reopened
by the Mob."
"A legitimate businessman won't mind me taking his picture on property
owned by the citizens of the USA. So far,
the real estate guys the Feds hired are only showing the place to more
Mob guys. When they see me, they turn and run."
C.B. Richard Ellis Realty Company stands to make a $1.5 million dollar
commission if they can sell the property for $28 million, so it's
become more than obvious they have let down their guard when it comes
to checking out the backgrounds of potential buyers. And it's also
obvious the Feds assigned to sell the property are becoming anxious and
may also be letting down their guard.
In the meantime, Rick and Lisa Rizzolo found a brilliant way to hide
their personal
wealth and inspire the court to substitute the Crazy Horse building and
property as a means of generating the $28 million. They hired the
of a Federal Court Judge to provide them "asset protection," and
evidently steer all other Federal Judges away from going after the
assets he so cleverly hid.
The lawyer with the firm Lionel Sawyer and Collins illegally
transferred the Rizzolo's assets into shell trusts and LLC's.
After that, no federal official or fellow judge felt comfortable going
after the
Rizzolo's personal property in fear of offending the judge whose
brother arranged the asset transfer -- the same judge who also
neglected to
disclose that his brother was Rizzolo's lawyer during trials in his
court of several
Rizzolo co-conspirators.


The Dawson brothers - Fed.
Judge Kent, and asset
protection attorney John
20060829-06026 Book/Instr:
Document Type: Trust Deed Recorded: 08/29/2006 16:25:41 Pgs: 5
ReRecorded: N Remarks:
Requestor: LIONEL SAWYER ET AL (attorney John E.
Legal Description: ParcelNum: 16305711072
instead of immediately seizing the Rizzolo's personal assets worth much
more than the
$28 million they owe, U.S. Federal Judge Philip Pro allowed the
couple to use a substitute asset; the shuttered Crazy Horse
and real estate, then make beating victim Kirk Henry wait and wait and
wait for the money to pay his medical bills. The only catch is that the
Crazy Horse property was
appraised at only $5.4 million if it reverts back to the original
warehouse zoning, hence the "Tarkanian Law."
That's why Councilwoman Tarkaninan stepped in to insure the
government would have additional time to try to market the property as
a topless bar -- a much more valuable use.-- and to protect the
Rizzolo's ill begotten hidden assets as a favor to her husband and
several of Rizzolo's neighbors in Newport Beach, California who
contacted her on Rizzolo's behalf.
Her only response to my exposing this favor was to deny it was for the
Rizzolo's benefit, question why I'm "attacking" her family, and ask
that I
not publish this information in Newport Beach, "because that's where
most of Jerry's friends have vacation homes (including Rick Rizzolo)."
The grandmotherly
councilwoman is the last person you'd expect to be promoting the sex
industry. But upon closer examination, the reason became apparent.
Her husband former UNLV basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian is a one of
Rizzolo's closest friends. Jerry hung out with the racketeer
until Rick's incarceration, was often seen in Rizzolo's private sky
box during sporting events at the Thomas and Mack stadium, and attended
his Going to Prison Party in Newport.
Through her action, Lois has proven she will unconditionally do
anything her husband asks
her to do no matter what the consequences may bring.
Unrelated but still of interest is the fact that another sex industry,
parlor/brothels, have been allowed to establish a foothold in
Tarkanian's ward. Ward One is now the home of the highest concentration
these illicit businesses, and each council agenda usually
includes applications for additional massage permits that Lois
Tarkanian rarely
protests, nor has she ever questioned if massage therapists in store
front locations hold licenses from the Nevada Board of Massage Therapy?
With people like this running our city, it's now
easy to see that
persons with business acumens similar to Rick Rizzolo feel they can
drop roots in our town, especially those who want to get their hands on
the shuttered topless bar before the June 30 deadline.
But even these potential buyers dread having their photos featured on
these pages thanks to Mr. Barrier and his Nikon, therefore most are
keeping their
distance from
the property, at least during the daytime when Barrier is present at
his auto repair
business next to the defunct bar.
Now that this nonsense in exposed, it's finally time for Judge Pro to
look beyond the embarrassing effect his decision may have on his
colleague Judge Dawson who's brother hid the
Rizzolo's assets, and pierce the phony trust and corporate
veils to pay the IRS, beating
victim Kirk Henry, and others that the
Rizzolo's personally owe for their years of criminal
activity, and the pain and suffering they caused. And I'm getting very
weary telling this endless story!
But this story isn't over until the
taxpayers are relived of the burden of paying to keep the lights on and
paying for around the clock security at
the Crazy Horse to help it sell for enough to bail out the Rizzolo's.
But only bulldozers can put an end to this sordid chronicle because the
Mob and their city hall stooges aren't going to give up their gold mine
without a fight. In the meantime, they know the Feds are tired, want to
close this case, and might be prone to influence.
And when our soldiers return home to Las Vegas,
they'll be greeted by an expensive tribute to murderers, cowards, and
crooks, instead of a simple park with monuments to honor our fallen
soldiers who gave their lives so people like Oscar Goodman could have
their way.
What has our town become?
From the ridiculous to the sublime...

On February 1, the Reno Gazette Journal featured
the story "Harry Reid speaks in support of NFL veterans."
The story described Nevada
Democrat Harry Reid (above left with glasses), the Senate Majority
Leader, taking
the Senate floor in support of National Football league veterans
petitioning the league for disability support.
"This Sunday, families will gather in
living rooms across our country to watch Super Bowl XLII in Glendale,
Arizona." Reid said. "Those Sunday heroes will soak up the cheers of an
adoring nation.
"But there are hundreds of former NFL
players who no longer hear the cheers. Instead, they suffer great pain
as the result of life-long injuries from their days on the field. Some
of them are stars and legends. Some are wealthy, some live comfortably.
But most others never hoisted a trophy or earned a spot in our
memories. Many were faceless figures behind helmets, lost to history
but for yellowed photographs and dusty highlight reels. They helped
build the league but never earned much from their on-the-field days."
The senator's words drew the ire of former professional athletes from
across the nation who "silently suffer the pain of injuries incurred to
cheers of an adoring nation," according to retired pro-wrestler Buffalo
Jim Barrier (above
right with beard).

"Me and my buddies (left to right: Psycho Sid, Bill Goldberg, Barrier, Rick Steiner - photo by Mike Christ)
Saturday night heroes. We got our heads bashed in while familes
gathered in living rooms cheering us
on. No matter our pain, we soaked up the cheers of an adoring nation
and fought on," stated Barrier.
"The wrestling business is just like football, but we don't have
padding, helmets, or play on grass. We play on concrete," said Barrier.
"But after the cheering stopped, many of us went home to suffer great
pain as the result of life-long injuries we don't like to complain
Barrier went on to say, "Some
of us are stars and legends. Some are wealthy, some live comfortably.
But others suffer in silence without the means to pay for acupuncture,
pain killers, and theraputic massage by licensed massage therapists. Where is Senator Reid when we also need a
little help paying our medical bills?"
We are the veterans of the WWE, WWF, BWE, NWA, and GLOW
(Georgous Ladies of Wrestling), leagues we helped build, but where is
Senator Reid when we have
to pay our medical bills?"
That same question is also being asked by professional hockey players,
drivers, jockies, snow boarders, rodeo stars, and skate boarders who
have suffered
life-long injuries from their days on the field.
Professional skateborder Dave "Anti-gravity" Rosinkowski (below) lost
four of his
front teeth and suffered permanent testicular damage during a
nationally televised skateboarding championship.

"I fell on that hand rail in front of an adoring nation. I busted my
and got my teeth knocked out for those adoring S.O.B.'s sitting in
their living rooms, and I didn't let them
my pain. Now I can hardly take a pee or chew, and I may never
be able to have kids."
of my bros are stars and legends, but most skateborders never hoisted a trophy
or earned a spot in memories, but we get hurt too!"
Rosinkowski went on to tell INSIDE VEGAS, "I'm now a toothless figure
behind a helmut, lost to history for yellowed photographs and dusty
highlight reels.
Where is Senator Reid to help find a way to pay my medical and dental
bills for the rest of my life?"
Rosinkowski ended by saying, "This is so F - - - ING UNFAIR!
Skateborders deserve the same respect as football players. This is
for Harry (displaying his bloody middle finger."
Copyright © Steve Miller