seems as if the world owes Rick Rizzolo a living
This is a case that has
"promoted public respect for the law"
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
January 31, 2011
LAS VEGAS - He lives rent
free in a multi-million dollar mansion. His legal bills are paid by
a good
samaritan. He parties
at Vegas' most exclusive venues; associates
with felons; has no job, visible means of support, or disclosed savings;
and he owes the IRS and a beating
victim tens of millions of dollars.
All the while, convicted racketeer Rick
Rizzolo is on parole serving out the last months of a four year sentence
for income tax evasion. If his supervised release is not modified or revoked,
Rizzolo will be a free man on April 1 of this year, and the government
will lose its ability to enforce payment of the financial commitments Rizzolo
made in exchange for a reduced one year prison sentence and three years
of supervised release.
On February 16, Rick Rizzolo will be in
States District Court, District of Nevada with his expensive legal
team to try to convince Judge Philip Pro not to send him back to prison
for severe
violations of the conditions of his release under the United
States Code (for) Prisoners and Parolees.
The Petition was brought by United States
Attorney for Nevada Daniel Bogden who believes the politically
connected former owner of the Las Vegas and Philadelphia Crazy Horse
Too topless bars is trying to "avoid his legal obligations," and
that enforcing the conditions of his parole will have "promoted public
respect for the law generally."
Bogden will be supported in Court by former
Federal Prosecutors Donald
Campbell and Stan Hunterton who are now the private attorneys for unpaid
beating victim Kirk Henry. Henry's lawyers conducted an extensive investigation
indicating that Rizzolo has been living like a rock star since he was released
from prison in April 2008:
"Rick Rizzolo only deals in cash and
money orders." "Obviously he operates in this manner because both forms
of payment are untraceable."
Judge Pro will most likely be asked about
the legality of Rizzolo's best friend Fred Doumani (left) paying for the
services of Rizzolo's attorneys Paola
Armeni and Dominic
"Doumani paid Rizzolo's legal counsel
$40,000 in what appears to be nothing more than another sham transaction."

Paola Armeni
Dominic Gentile
On April 26, 2010, the Court heard a request
by the United States Probation Office to modify Rizzolo's conditions of
supervised release to require him to begin making monthly payments toward
the $9 million plus interest he owes Kirk Henry, and over $11 million plus
interest Rizzolo owes the IRS.
Judge Pro approved the request and modified
Rizzolo's Conditions of Supervised Release stating: "Petition
to Modify Conditions of Supervised Release [278] is GRANTED. Mr. Rizzolo
shall provide to the probation officer the financial information requested
and shall commence paying the restitution obligations at a rate to be approved
by the Court."
Rizzolo did not comply with Judge Pro's
order to begin paying his restitution obligations, and continued living
his "lavish" lifestyle.
On October 1, 2010, U.S. Attorney Bogden
the Court: "In the instant case, the Government has no opposition
to the Court initiating supervised release revocation proceedings based
on information and materials contained in the Henrys' filing."
Then on October 27, 2010, the U.S. Attorney's
Office filed a MOTION
FOR JUDGMENT DEBTOR EXAMINATION that included the following Declaration
stating Rizzolo has defaulted on paying his judgment.
At the February 16, 2011 Parole Violation
hearing (INSIDE VEGAS will be there), Judge Pro will hear oral arguments
from Rizzolo's legal team who claim that Rizzolo's "rights"
are being violated, and that their client's plea bargained personal financial
obligations should be dismissed
because the Las Vegas Crazy Horse Too did not sell for enough to pay his
court ordered debts.
However, if Judge Pro determines there
is probable cause that Rizzolo violated the conditions of his release in
contempt of the court, a bench warrant can be issued and Rizzolo taken
into Federal custody directly from the courtroom.
Then, according to the U.S. Code (for)
Prisoners and Parolees (page
212): "A local revocation hearing shall be held not later
than sixty-five days from the retaking of the parolee on the parole violation
(a) (page
212) states: "The purpose of the revocation hearing shall
be to determine whether the parolee has violated the conditions of his
release and, if so, whether his parole or mandatory release should be revoked
or reinstated."
If parole is revoked (as would certainly
occur with someone lacking Rizzolo's political
clout), Rizzolo may be sentenced to more time in prison. If his parole
is reinstated, Rizzolo's term of supervised release may be extended beyond
April 1, as long as he complies with his conditions and begins paying his
legal obligations.
How ever it goes, the real outcome
of the February 16 hearing will be to show whether this high profile and
very politicized
case has "promoted public respect for the law," or will it be allowed
to continue making a total mockery of Nevada's Federal Court system.